субота, 10. август 2013.

Umjesto razglednice iz Lisabona

Sakrijem se negdje ispod šest mostova
u plavim očima galebova Porta
sakrijem se od života,
preko čitave Evrope
tu gdje je veliki Ajfel razapeo preko vode
dugačke formule leta i vjetra,
sakrijem se u djetinjstvo opet
da ne brinem kad te sanjam.

Sakrijem pogled u školjci na obali okeana,
sakrijem ime u kamenu kvarca
na Trgu Lisabona,
sakrijem se da zaboravim
da ti se vraćam,
poput umornog Petra Pana
sakrijem u džepove ruke plave od čežnje,
od pregaženog neba, od izduženosti
do zagrljaja koji me veže,
sakrijem se od tvoga dlana,
od strašne nježnosti kojom noću plašiš zvijezde.

Sakrijem se u neko parisko veče
među umišljene slikare Notrdama,
i lutam, lutam
glumeći da mi je lutanje preče
od bunila misli, gdje si, šta li sanjaš
na istim snenim prugama
tamo gdje se nekom sve moglo reći,
sve što se žudi i što se ne zna
sa pet prstiju samo
beskrajno iskreno do suza, do zvijezda,
kada i same suze poput novčića u fontani želja,
vjeruju budućoj sreći.

Sakrijem se u tajnu nježnosti moldavskih kiša
od sunca na tvojim obrazima
sakrijem se da ne razmišljam
o avionima bez krila, vozovima bez šina
o danima kad ćemo sve zaboravljati,
kome smo to negdje najviše trebali
čiji sam to bio ja, i čija ti
ispod nekih prastarih lipa
kome smo to najljepše tepali,
velikoj mašti il velikoj budućnosti.

Sakrijem se u pjesmi sa dva topla, tiha lika
koja ne znači ništa
sakrijem se jer se plašim
što smo se tako prelako našli,
od svih izgubljenih selica ptica
sakrijem se da ne vidim
tvoje velike oči, pune smisla,
da ne vidim svoje sljepilo
između moje zbunjenosti i tvojih trepavica
toplih od mašte,
da ne osjećam kako me vazduh zalijepio
za leptire zlatne
na haljini tvojoj ljepljivoj od ljeta
od nježnog šaputanja, od mokrih očiju
punih neba.

Sakrijem se malo ispod tri mosta
preko Dunava
malo u žicama tamburaša Banata,
pomalo nostalgično za daljinama,
pomalo nespretno plačno
zbog nečeg divnog,a umornog u nama
kod Vardinskog sata
pomislim da je skrivanja dosta,
pa opet sakrijem se
samo iza svojih zamišljenih šaka
jer pomalo, tek potajno shvatam
da je samo ljubav dovoljno jaka
da od velike barabe, muškarca
opet napravi nježnog, plašljivog dječaka.

I onda, onda,
stanem pred tebe
i sakrijem se samo ovim rukama golim
sakrijem obraze crvene od stida
jer ljepše i hrabrije ne umijem
da ti pokažem koliko volim
tu tajnu koja spaja rubove našeg zaljubljenog vida
snagom i ludošću kojom najveće komete
napuštaju svoje putanje grleći novi svemir.

Prelistala je moje tajne kao Malog Princa,
za jedno popodne
između palih zvijezda i tek poletjelih ptica
treperila je kao drthtava krila željna slobode,
kao mala tišina koja počinje velike stvari,
kao uplašen osmjeh nakon prvog poljupca.

четвртак, 8. август 2013.

Instead of postcard from Lisbon

I hide myself somewhere under six bridges
into the blue eyes of Porto seagulls
I hide me from a life
across a whole Europe
where is a great Eiffel stretched, across the river,
long formulas of the wind and flight
I hid me in my childhood again
not to worry when I'm dreaming about you.
I hide my look in the clam of the ocean,
I hide my name in quartz stone
on the Square Lisbon
I hid myself to forget who am I
That I'll be back,
flying like a Peter Pan
I hide in the pockets my hands
blue from a longing,
from footwarn sky, from elongated
for an embrace which binds me,
I hid myself from your palm,
from the terrible tenderness with which
you fear the stars.
I hid me in some Parisian evening
among conceited painters on Notre Dame,
and I roam, roam
pretending that wandering
is more important to me
than delirium of thoughts,
where you are, what do you dream
walking on the same dreamy stripes
where we could say everything
to someone our,
everything what we crave
and what we don’t know
to say just by the five fingers
infinitely sincerely until tears, until stars
when the tears as the coins
in a fountain of desire
believe in future happiness.
I hide me in a secret tenderness of Moldavian rains
I hide me from the Sun on your cheeks
I hide me not to think
about the airplanes without wings,
about the trains without rails,
about the days when we will all forget,
for who we were most wanted somewhere
whose I had been, and whose you were
under some ancient limes
to whom we the most beautiful babbled
was it
to great imagination or to great future?
I hide me in a fear
of runaway does,
faraway in some ancient Romanian forest
I hid me because we are so close
to the secret of unselfish, insane love
almost same between Romeo and Juliet,
hidden on the place
where the light own star first met
and I dream where the happiest star goes,
dreaming then night when the all trains stopped
to let the time to pass by,
from mine to your eye.
I hide myself in a poem
with two gentle, quiet figures
poem which doesn’t mean anything
without childish smile
I hid me because of feared luck
cause we have too easily found each other
of the all lost migratory birds
I hide me to not see
your big eyes full of meaning
to not see my blindness
between my confusion and your eyelashes
warm of the imagination,
to not feel that I am glued by the air
on the gold butterflies
of your sticky dress of summer
from the gentle whispers, from the wet eyes
full of summer’s sky.
I hid me in the little house of cricket
in the green grass of August,  
when the most beautiful stars
are falling in baby’s eyes wet,
I hide me cause I fear
that your parents didn’t wish you strongly
same as I have wished you,
until this year when you are born
in my eyes,
I hide me, cause I fear
of my fear own
when I see these ancient manners
in your fingers which are touching
my face,
in a way which I saw just at movie stars
in Cinema, in a way
as  they’re searching on me,
some secret of two of us.
I hide me a little bit under three bridges
over the Danube
little bit in some wires
of Banat tambourines
a little bit awkwardly in a distance
a little bit tearfully
for something divine, but tired in us,
I stop nearby Vardin’s clock
and I think
It s enough of hiding,
But again I hide me
only behind my conceived hands
because a little bit, secretly I understand
it's just a love is strong enough
that from vagabond and adult man,
make a gentle, timid kid again.
And then,
I hide me in front of you
only behind my bare hands
I hid cheeks red from embarrassment
cause more beautiful and more courageous
I do not know how
to show you how really much I love
this secret
which connects the edges of our look
by power and madness
of biggest comets
which leave own paths hugging the new space.
She flipped my secrets as the Little Prince book,
In one afternoon
between the falling stars and lilt birds
she was flickering as shaky wings wanted of freedom,
As a small silence which starts a big things
as a frightened smile after the first kiss.
dedicat R. Birgaoanu

(I wanted to be delicate poppy flower
Shake my love petals over your soul,
I wanted t be a bird with feathers of tears,
the voice of love, missed flight
I wanted  to be a love as never was ...  I wanted...
But neither mac nor bird, nor dream
I'm just a man with the soul of man)